What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.

K9Research & Training Complex
Synergizing The Lab & The Field

Set on 520 acres in Iowa, The K9Sensus Education and Research Complex (ERC) provides extensive opportunities for training. Whether it be night operations or trainer interaction with a variety of animal species, the site will expand trainers’ understanding of learning processes and behavior.

Our Great Honor
Female dogs evaluate levels of competence in humans
Investigating attentional scope as a novel indicator of emotional state in animals
Enhancing the Selection and Performance of Working Dogs
Cadaver Dogs and the Deathly Hallows—A Survey and Literature Review on Selection and Training Procedure
Birds and Dogs: Toward a Comparative Perspective on Odor Use and Detection
The Matching Law: A Tutorial for Practitioners
What experimental experience affects dogs’ comprehension of human communicative actions?
Dominance in domestic dogs - useful construct or bad habit?
Dyadic relationships and operational performance of male and female owners and their male dogs
Cortisol and behavioral responses of working dogs to environmental challenges
Affiliative and disciplinary behavior of human handlers during play with their dog affects cortisol concentrations in opposite directions
Three different coping styles in police dogs exposed to a short-term challenge
Playing styles and possible causative factors in dogs' behavior when playing with humans
Consistency of dogs' reactions to threatening cues of an unfamiliar person
Interspecies hormonal interactions between man and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
Non-reproductive Effects of Spaying and Neutering on Behavior in Dogs
The Right to Effective Behavioral Treatment
Why We Believe in Behavior Analysis or Operant Conditioning
Behavioral Hierarchy and Case Presentation
FEMA National US&R Response System Suggested Guidelines for Screening Disaster Canine Candidates