What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.

K9Research & Training Complex
Synergizing The Lab & The Field

Set on 520 acres in Iowa, The K9Sensus Education and Research Complex (ERC) provides extensive opportunities for training. Whether it be night operations or trainer interaction with a variety of animal species, the site will expand trainers’ understanding of learning processes and behavior.

Our Great Honor

Coaching the human end of the leash
(no dog required)
Coaching the Human End of the Leash

What you should know as a coaching client, I focus on creating a safe and encouraging environment for you. I challenge assumptions and perceptions while making sure you leave each session with greater clarity and actionable steps. Each of us is capable of achieving the impossible, utilizing our unique talents and abilities. Superpowers are not required.
Coaches are not consultants or therapists and refrain from giving advice or solving client’s problems. Instead, I ask questions to help you clarify and solve your own problems.
I work with individuals to​
Think about their business differently
Create a life that fits your aspirations
Develop new business plans and create a path forward
Transition from a boss to a leader
Design a career path
Translate across industries and academia
Transition in your career
Mentor leaders
Lead from within
Strengthen leadership effectiveness
Feeling safe to pursue your own path
Advance workplace relationships
Understand personal sabatoge
Understand the difference between resting and quitting

I'm All In
Are you ready for a change or need to begin a new chapter? It's hard work, but we work together to create a clear path.
Explore new options based on your expertise
Create clear communication with 'mission control' to achieve your desired future
Identify specific behaviors and create accountability
We work together over twelve to twenty-four sessions. These are in person or virtual.
Ongoing support through email, phone and texts
$2,000 - $4,000 depending on number of sessions
Super Powers not Required
Superpowers are not required to achieve your goals. We all have unique abilities, skills and passions.
Create a clear path based on where you want to go
Identify specific behaviors and create accountability
We work together over six to twelve sessions. These are in person or virtual.
Ongoing support through email, phone and texts
$1,200 - $2,200 depending on number of sessions
A Quick Cup
Sometimes you need a moment to catch your breath.
Meant to provide you with a quick touch base, a sounding board, or strategy session to address a specific situation.
With just a few sessions, we create a path forward. Because of the laser focus, completion time is typically in three to six sessions.
$600 - $1,200 depending on number of sessions