What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.

K9Research & Training Complex
Synergizing The Lab & The Field

Set on 520 acres in Iowa, The K9Sensus Education and Research Complex (ERC) provides extensive opportunities for training. Whether it be night operations or trainer interaction with a variety of animal species, the site will expand trainers’ understanding of learning processes and behavior.

Our Great Honor

Join Us In Training and Coaching The Heroes At Both Ends of the Leash.

"The capability dogs bring to the fight cannot be replicated by man or machine. By all measures of performance, their yield outperforms any asset we have in our inventory."
General David Petraeus
Retired US Army General; Former CIA Director

Coaching a Trainer
According to the US Department of State, approximately 500,000 dogs are currently in service to Americans: people with disabilities, deployed military, recuperating veterans, law enforcement, human remains detection, search and rescue, and medical and mental health companions. We truly depend on them for our lives, health, and safety.
Of the approximately 10,000 dogs trained to keep us safe, 20% retire every year, leaving us with an ever-increasing deficit of vital working K9s who need qualified trainers.
It is our great honor at K9Sensus to provide the highest caliber education for working dog trainers, so that they may give their working dog companions the safest, most compassionate, skills-appropriate experiences in the field. We relentlessly purse elite opportunities for realistic scenarios, resulting in teams fluent and ready to respond at a moment’s notice.
Join us in coaching the human end of the leash!